#204: Michael Lewis, journalist and author

Simon and Rachel speak with journalist and author Michael Lewis. Michael grew up in New Orleans and in the 1980s he worked on Wall Street. His first book "Liar's Poker" (1989) relates his experience at the investment bank Salomon Brothers. His subsequent books include "Moneyball" (2003), ostensibly about baseball but also about the way markets value people, "The Blind Side" (2006) about a black teenager taken in by a white evangelical family who becomes an American football player, and "Flash Boys" (2014) about the legal - but questionable - practice of high-frequency trading. Michael's writing has also appeared in Vanity Fair, the New Republic, and Bloomberg. We spoke to Michael about moving from finance to writing, his subsequent books, and his most recent project, "Going Infinite", on the rise and fall of crypto entrepreneur Sam Bankman-Fried. 


#205: Hannah Barnes, journalist and author


#203: Clare Alexander, literary agent, Aitken Alexander Associates